"It's just one of those days
When you don't wanna wake up
Everything is fucked
Everybody sucks
You don't really know why
But you wanna justify
Rippin' someone's head off" ~ : William Frederick Durst
I am normally a fairly upbeat person. Even without coffee in the morning, I wake up and am ready for the day and its challenges all while staying pretty positive in my mindset.
Every now and again, I wake up on the "wrong side" of the bed. My age catches up to me (Briefly, thank God), I hurt, I'm cranky and Limp Bizkits song pops into my head. I just want to "rip someone's head off"
Today was such a day.
However, I got up, washed my face, and scraped my fangs. I did my shoulder routine to help my arthritic shoulders and made my drink container with all the "stuff" I put into it to rehydrate during the morning training sessions.
It wasn't until I hopped onto my trusty bike to make my trek to work that I started turning my foul fucking attitude around. It's true, once the heart starts to pump, the thoughts begin to flow.
By the time I got to the parking lot, I was greeted with my first participant of the day who was exactly 12 seconds behind me. (I hate it when someone is in the parking lot WAITING for me) my attitude became more regular and I adopted my gratitude philosophy.
The actual crew or my "Training Crew" is a GREAT group of people that puts up with each of our idiosyncrasies.
They kicked it up a notch today and so I HAD to kick it up too.
My point is this, whenever you are not feeling your normal chipper self it is important to get moving. If after twenty minutes of MOVEMENT doesn't start to make you feel better, shut it down and rage your war the next day.
BUT...if you start to feel better, ROLL WITH IT! You'll be better off by doing so.
Today's Training:
Daily 8:
Shoulder Reliever*
Cycle* Commute
- Blast Strap Row:55 reps
- Pushups:55 reps
- 45-degree Back Extension: 3x10
- GHR: 3x8
- Chin-ups:3x5
- Dips: 3x10
- Fat Grip Dead Hang: 35 seconds
- Front Plank: 50 seconds
AirDyne: 10/10/10
Bench Press: 8 Rep Max
DB Fly: 4x10
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x10
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
Cycle*: Commute