I've been going through a few personal "health" issues (no, I'm not going to die)that I've had to address over the last month and change.
First I had to have a type of Ganglion Cyst removed from the top of my foot. This required surgery and I had to be put out for them to do it.
After getting back from a much-needed vacation, I had to have a few melanomas removed from my skin. I had two done yesterday and still have more to go.
Why am I opening up about this? Well, for starters, it's to tell you that EVERYONE has some issue at one time or another, AND...you don't have to quit training while you recover.
They said, "Do not weightlift or do heavy activity while the stitches are still in. Do not soak the foot, and keep it dry." I squatted the very next day after the foot surgery, and I swam in the ocean for miles.
I was told yesterday to limit how much I pick up to a maximum of ten pounds. That doing so might "pop the stitches". What did I do today? I squatted until I felt the stitches strain from holding my breath and I was well over 300 lbs for it to feel that way.
I was asked by my training buds, "Why do you do that?" (My wife giving me the evil eye the entire time) So I told them, "Because. How am I to give anyone 'big balls' about how soft they are if I'm not willing to do things like this? I'm not showing off or being 'macho', but I am telling you that you CAN do a lot more if you take CALCULATED risks."
I don't recommend being stupid and being stupid on your own. BUT, you can push the limits and live for the challenges of life and not just the victories.
Basically...Stop being such a wus and "man up". Put your pants on without sitting down and pee standing up. You don't have to be a bitch all of the time. PLUS, you'll feel better with the issues that you have than if you don't train.
Today's Training:
GHR: 5x10
Squat (no box) Below parallel: 5 rep Max or until the stitches strain. hahaha
Reverse Hyper: 2x "Yuma" sets. That's the 3second super slow followed by the 10 normal paced reps.