Ronnie Coleman, the bodybuilding Bazillion time winner of the Mr. Olympia contest can be heard yelling in the weight room, "Yea, BUDDY!" "Lightweight, baby...yea up, Lightweight!!"

Understanding that Ronnie Coleman lifted everything BUT lightweight!

Massive weight equals massive muscle, which got me thinking, "What is considered LIGHTWEIGHT?"

I could come up with nothing other than "lightweight is the weight you can pick up. If I can't lift it, then it's HEAVYWEIGHT baby, yea up, Buddy...Heavyweight"

Today's Training:

Cycle: Commute

Cable X-over: 4x15

DB Floor Press: 4x15

Dynamic Bench: 10x3

Push-ups: 100 reps

Pull-a-parts: 100 vs. mini band

4-way Neck: 1x12

Concept II Row: (for time) 2000 meters

Cycle: Commute