I bet you are waiting for something big to be said. Nope, it's not that hard to understand. If you truly want to stand out, do what they won't do. That's it!
It's easy enough in theory, but to put it into a simpler term, "Put the work in." See, here's the difference maker: No one wants to put in the work necessary to stand out.
Be willing to do what others won't, so you can live like they only dream about.
- Show up! That puts you ahead of 80%
- Show up and be on time. Now you are in the 15% group. 85% of the people may or may not show up, but being on time (My definition is, being there before me, which is almost impossible. Therefore everyone is late)
- Show up, on time, dressed, and ready to play. Meaning be prepared with your best foot forward. Look the part, alert and alive!!!
Doing this will set you ahead of 95% of the population.
Now, stand up and stand out!
Today's Training:
Ab Wheel: 3x12
BOSU Sit-up: 100
Dead Hang: 60 seconds
KB Ladder: 1-25
GHR: 5x10
Dynamic Squat: 10x2
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1
Box Jump: 10x2 (Soft Landing)
DB RDL: 4x10