Sometimes, it's just fun to do some old-school hypertrophy training. No conjugated Russian stuff. No tempo reps, not much thought but to get a FREAK'N PUMP and talk smack to your training crew.
While I live in California, I am quite a few hours away from Venice Beach "The Mecca of Bodybuilding", but the shit talk (aka chirps) was what legends are made of.
The singe, the burn, and the PUMP were as ridiculous. It's all about not fitting into the T-shirt you walked in with.
It was FUN to push steel to push steel. I don't consider it a wasted session, especially when it's good for the head.
Today's Training:
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x18
Shoulder Mobility Stuff: I know, what stuff? All kinds of things are too numerous to write at this time.
Push-ups: 20
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 super set w/ Cable Incline Fly: 4x10
DB Front Raise: 4x10 super set w/ Incline Barbell Press: 4x10
Shrugs: 4x10 super set w/ Standing Single Arm Cable Chest Press: 4x10
Concept II Row: 20 minutes