That thing that causes you to fear clearly indicates what you should do NEXT!
My mom was a great manipulator of the mind. Every Tuesday night she would make those gosh darn canned peas with dinner. I LOATHED the taste of those darn things. To this day, I will not even look at them on the grocery store shelf.
You could not leave the dinner table if you did not eat those peas. So I was ready to camp out there overnight.
Those peas were the only thing my mom would make that I could not palette.
BUT...she would also bake a pie. I LOVED pie! Knowing this, she would say, "If you eat all your peas, you can have a big piece of pie for dessert.
Let me tell you...I ate those peas SO fast that I barely tasted them.
So like those peas, if there is something you are afraid of, make that the next thing you do and do it quickly! If you have to go through hell, why walk? Get it done and do it quick!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Prowler: 10x40 yds x 90 lbs
Upright Row: 6 RM
DB Lateral Raise: 4x6x Heavy
Shrugs: 4x6x REALLY Heavy
Pull-apart: 100 reps
Face Pulls:100 reps
DB Curl: 4x6xHeavy
DB Hammer Curl: 4x6x Ridiculously Heavy
Cycle: Commute