Early morning today came way too fast. I know that I had to get my dog out before I went to the gym and the only way I was going to fit in my conditioning AND allow my dog to be alone for the duration of the morning was to get her out and run her until she took care of business.
Mind you...I haven't done ANYTHING longer than a 5K since my stress fracture and plantar fasciitis so this was going to be a lesson in perseverance for sure!
I started my 'og (that's a slow big person's jog) and was feeling every bone, tendon, muscle cracking, and aching. So I am no stranger to "embracing the suck" because eventually the suck subsides and you hit that cruise control gear. I'm good with that...really!!! But today something was off. I was totally geared up for the embracing and that I did, however, it wasn't smooth...EVER. Five kilometers was in the bag and I thought by then the suck would be outtahere...but NOPE! My dog hadn't done her business so ONWARD we continued. I was determined to outlast the suck and make sure she went.
I am now telling you, that I have day two tomorrow to continue on this quest! hahaha
But I WILL outlast it. That is for sure!!!
Today's Training:
Run: 4-6 forever miles
Pull-ups; 5 hand positions on the Pull up/Chin up bar doing 200 reps in each for 1000 reps
Dips: 200 reps
That's it! Done