Yep, it was that time of the month. Just so happens to have fallen on the last Friday before Christmas and we all know that going into Christmas it's a good thing to have bursting pipes!!! (Better call the plumber)
The only thing is, a small group of us did it with a twist. Instead of doing 5 sets of 20 reps or 4 sets of 25, I decided it would be fun to get the 100 reps done in as few sets as possible. WHAT?
Yeah, blow it out on the first set and try to reach 100. Doing so fatigues the exercise to a point that the next set seems impossible. Tough guts! Do them anyway with the same determination to get that 100 mark.
Fail to get there again? PUSSY! Then do a third set. (Note* It better not take more than three sets)
By the time we reached the 10th exercise, the guns were toast!
Also, Ran before the bike commute this morning, AND took a new route which I thought would be faster.
It wasn't.
So I took the same route home, you know...just to make sure it was longer. It was! hahaha