A while ago, for no particular reason, I took an arm training program written by one of our own, and morphed it into something else that looked like 10 exercises doing 5 sets of 20 reps.
I've been having my groups do this ONE time per month. It's hard and it's time consuming.
This yesterday I make 90% of them do it. After all, it was the 2nd day of September, that day I'll always remember... (insert Temptations music)
The average time to complete the training session was 80 minutes. Give or take a few minutes, but it was a LOOOOng workout.
With my small band of morning warriors today, I set no set or rep limit per set. All I said was to use the same weight they would normally use for the 5x20 and HAMMER it. Try to do each set in as few sets as possible.
Within the first three exercises things started going bad. Although the results were looking good, conversations and tolerance for annoyance were quickly fading.
By the time the 500th rep took place, ANGER and misery were partners in crime, but roadmaps were being made. Muscle was being torn apart only to start the rebuilding as soon as the food intake rose.
Interesting enough, some were done with an exercise within two to five sets. FOUR was the magic number.
The time came down however, to around 65-70 minutes.
Cramps are now a part of it. Bringing the hand to the mouth is almost impossible without seizing up. Forget NOSE PICKING!
Here are the exercises in specific order:
DB Curl
Cable Pushdown
Hammer Curl
Skull Crushers
Seated 1/2 way down BB Curl
C/S Tricep KB Kick Back
Barbell Curl
Close Grip Three Board Bench Press
Side note: The 90% were Dynamic Squatting and Deadlifting. When I'm rocking out to the EliteFTS playlist found on Spotify I get into the art of the "Chirp" as well. I am sarcastic as heck to begin with, so fuel that up with some Angry music and I'm over the top.
One gal had too much weight on the bar for a good POP off the low box.
I hollered over to her which makes EVERYONE in the gym stop, "THAT looked like old people Ef'n...it was SLOW and UGLY!!! (Laughter) Let's bring the weight down, and speed the bar up, so it becomes beyond fast and sexy...we want to make that down right PORNOGRAPHIC" (Harder laughter, reduction in weight, AND major increase in bar speed)
Don't do anything slow and ugly. Always choose Fast and Sexy.