I promised myself that I would not deadlift on this day...my body needs a slight break so Goodmornings were in order. Except the more that I got to thinking about how my squat needed work and I was going to use the SS Yoke Bar anyway...why not just squat with the SS Yoke Bar?
The Matt Ladewski sent me a message to Front Load the bands and I thought..."sounds like fun". Man...I'm not sure if fun was the right word. It sure was easy to rack!
SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
Front Loaded Light Bands
lots and LOTS of warm ups
332 x 3
372 x 3
422 x 2
512 x 2...PR I guess
332 x several
Then my son ran inside the gym and said "Pappa, I have to go poop" so that meant I got a nice little break...
242 x 3 x 2 sets
152 x a few...still in briefs
Speed Deadlifts (you knew I'd deadlift)
506 + 70 in chains x 1 x 6 sets
Axle Clean and Press
my elbows and hands were in severe pain by this time
worked up to 100/220 x 2 strict and they hurt!