Then it would help if you had a level of discontent to jump-start.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Ab Wheel: 3x15
"V" Ups: 3x10
Med Ball Complex: 2x10
- Straight up over the head with arms and thoracic extension
- From outside one knee up and over the opposite shoulder making sure to pivot the foot, and keep the shoulders back
- Go the other way
C/S Row: 4x8
Pull-ups: 2x As many reps as possible
Chin-ups: 2x AMRAP
Smith Machine Skull Crusher: 2x Yuma
Barbell Curl: 2x Yuma
X body Supine Tricep Extension: 2x AMRAP
Concentration Curl: 2x AMRAP
Concept II Row: 20 minutes
Grade Hill Walk (Treadmill): 15 minutes @ 15% grade
Cycle: Commute