These were really hard. (at least they were for me. My hips were barking!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 20 minutes
Med Ball Mobility Complex: 2x10
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x15
Side Flex over 45-degree Back Extension: 3x10+Dumbell ( no need to go super heavy)
GHR: 5x12
Dynamic Anderson Squat: These were brutal. My training partner and I lifted out of the straps and got into a very low position (I think we were about 3 inches BELOW parallel). Each rep was momentarily paused in the straps, and you had to keep real tight on the second rep. Drive up out of the straps and make the weight sing: 10x2x50%
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1
Cycle: Commute