Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think about, you can't control what you do.
The * means I personally added this to the day.
Today's Training:
*Cycle: Commute
*Prowler: 10x80x +50 lbs
Concept II Row: 15 minutes
#3 hole pin Pull: 6 RM doing three sets of six at every weight interval. Example:
- 3x6x45 lb bar
- 3x6x95 lbs
- 3x6x135
- 3x6x185
- etcetera
- etcetera
Here's the kick in the ass...you're going along thinking to yourself, "wow, this isn't any big deal", until you get to "that" weight and "that" set and it goes from being a 4-5 on your PRE scale right up to a 7-8, and I mean like "BOOM" there you are, gasping for air, back, glutes, and legs on FIRE and it's nowhere near the weight you did for the last cycle.
This is a LOT of fun.
GHR: 4x12
45-degree back extension while snatch grip holding a bar: 4x12
Ab Wheel: 3x12
*Suspended Knees to Elbow:3x12
Crunch: 100 reps
*4-way Neck: 1x10x6.0
*Cycle: Commute