It seems as of my life is consumed with car maintenance. Ironically, I don't drive a car. I ride a bike. But such is the life of an old car owner.
Anyway, since the car places that do the repairs on my vehicles like to get stuff done early and I work early in the gym, I have to get those cars to the shop as early as I can or as close to 9:00 as I can hustle out of the gym. This requires me to drive said vehicles instead of riding my bike.
To get my "conditioning" work done, I drop the car off and run home from wherever the repair place is regardless of distance.
However...and this is big, however, I have a wholly loaded down backpack that goes for this run.
This sack attached to my back weighs in the neighborhood of 65 lbs.
Now that's not too bad by itself, but here I am going to run this sucker about 10 miles, uphill, both ways, in the SNOW. (kidding! I added that for dramatic effect).
Needless to say, the added weight of the ruck and my 65-year-old hips, knees, and ankles don't participate too kindly.
So you know what that tells me? I need to do more of this kind of stuff in case I have to do it again.
Happy Trails!
Today's Training:
Bench: 6 RM to a medium-high pin press; Like yesterday, do three sets for the given weight.
- 3x6x45
- 3x6x95
- 3x6x135
- 3x6x185
- etcetera
- etcetera
- etcetera
DB Fly: 3x12
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x12
Cable Push-down: 3x12
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12