AMRAP is an acronym for "as many reps as possible". We often assign sets x reps x weight, but in this scenario, we only do two sets and want to be at a point NEAR tetani as possible.
Choosing the correct weight is the question. For our groups today, I told them to use the weight we have been doing and get as many as possible. If 15 reps are achieved, then add weight. If less than eight, go down. Here's the kicker, don't stop at 15 if you are kicking ass. Keep going! However, hard stop if that number turns into 30 reps. That is far too many for our purpose.
This is going to be painful. But, that's the fun!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Rowing: 20 mins
BOSU Sit-ups: 100
Lara Abs: 3x10
2 x AMRAP of the following Exercises
- Low Cable Row
- Lat Pulldown
- Standing Cable Row
- Supinated Hands Pulldown
- Cable Tricep Pushdown
- Barbell Curl
- Skull Crusher
- Hammer Curl
Cycle: Commute