You have to make changes in your life.
"If you always do what you already have done, you'll only get what you already have".
Change your routine!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 21 minutes
DB Flat Chest Press: 8 RM. Do these more like a bodybuilder. Don't lock out. Keep a bit of tension on the pecs
Incline Chest Press: Get to a weight at which doing 15 reps is challenging but doable. Repeat the weight for 13 reps, then 11 reps, 9 reps, 7 reps, and finish with 5 reps—no more than a minute to rest.
Cable X over: 5x5. Since we're only doing 5 reps, you can use a bit more weight. Don't forget to SQUEEZE on the contraction.
Stretcher Push-ups: Use a pair of handles or even put two benches together and support your body weight below your hand level to stretch the pecs and shoulders. Push up only 1/3 of the way. 3x20
DB Lateral Raise: 4x12
super set w/
Spider Crawls: Double over a micro mini band and place it around your wrist. Place your fingers in a door frame and with straight arms, "walk" your hands up and then back down using straight arms. Do 4x3
Bent over Rear Delt Raise: 3x25
Cycle: Commute