I was giving this idea (theory)considerable thought this past week.
I have said that there is nothing new in training. There are only things that are repackaged and called new by whoever the next rising influencer is and make their own.
I am sure that my "Predator" idea is not new, but it hasn't been repackaged yet.
This is NOT new, but in fact, ancient. Think about how our ancestors survived. They were hunters.
The form of hunting they did was to find food, as there were no vegetables yet. They needed to roam until they came upon an animal, which required a lot of walking or low-intensity cardiovascular work.
Once they found a food supply, they needed to stalk it, which required them to adjust their pace to a more lively one. (Moderate intensity). Once they had locked onto their prey, they had to swoop in for the "kill" shot which is a high-intensity or sprint portion of their hunt.
So to mimic the most perfect of conditioners in a strength and conditioning program we should act like our ancestors and walk-jog-sprint-repeat. This "speed-play" has also been called "fartlek" training or running.
Think about it, we ALL can walk (or at least we should be able to do that), picking up the pace to a fast shuffle with a spring to your gate is the perfect jog. Go back to a walk and let the heart recover, and then, BOOM...open up the portals and let those legs fly. Sprint!!!
When I say sprint, I am referring to a gate that has a "flight" phase to it. Where the body is momentarily covering the ground without any contact of either foot. I am also not telling you to hit a 4.4 forty-yard dash time, but to at least get it up to around an 85% effort. I gauge that by how open my geriatric hips get. I pick up the speed and foot turnover to where I can feel my hips stretch without pulling a hamstring.
What about the "Strength" portion? Well, now that I'm sitting here tapping out my thoughts, I ask, why not?
We use many methods already. From the Conjugated (Westside) method, Jim Wendler's 5-3-1, or even John Meadows (R.I.P.) Mountain Dog training is an example. Well, why not combine them into a program that mimics?
- Low Intensity
- Moderate Intensity
- High Intensity
Bringing about a "wave" of Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, and Functional Strength Training has been a continual aspect of the training I have incorporated at West Coast Elite for the past five years.
Yeah, I like this only a lot.
Once we get through the holidays, I'm going to emphasize the "Predator" method in both our Strength AND Conditioning. I'm interested in the progression and results.
This is going to be fun!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 20 minutes. (I set a new distance P.R.)
- Cable Fly: 4x15. super set w/
- Ab Wheel: 4x12
- Steep Incline DB Fly 4x12 super set w/
- DB Lateral Raise: 4x12
DB Front Raise: 4x12
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Shrugs: 4x10
BOSU Sit-up: 100 continuos reps
Plank: 3x 1 minute
Cycle: Commute