As everyone knows, I get up early in the morning so I can get stuff done before anyone else arises and bugs me.
To wake up, I take an ice-cold shower that I installed this past summer outside. Although I live in California there are some mornings that dip down into the low 30's. So yea, it's cold.
I then make breakfast and prepare my canteen to then ride my bicycle to work all before 4:30 AM.
Today for some bizarre reason, I woke an hour earlier and started my AM ritual causing me to get to the gym at 3:30! FAK! What was I THINKING???
Regardless, is my fault for being over-anxious? stupid? Who knows...
So as we were lifting to our four rep maxes, my mind would drift off to the comforts of my bed and with THAT, I knew I wasn't going to hit good numbers.
I don't complain about things, but I do know when to call it and when to push through.
Quitting and Calling it or saying, "when" has a fine line. I am never one to quit, and because of that, I have injured myself more times than I would like to advertise. So today, with a respectful lift and still among the top lifters, I called it a day far from my "best".
I've fought on in the past only to get a reminder that I am still human and a humble one at that.
So instead of invoking the wrath of the "Overdo it" Gods, I retired my side to be able to walk about for the rest of the day, week, and month. I simply "had enough" for today!
Listening to your body sometimes needs a quiet moment so you can hear what it is saying!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Prowler: 10x40 yds x +90
Deadlift: 4 RM; Double overhand grip
GHR: 4x10
45 degree back extension with a snatch grip bar: 4x10
Reverse Hyper: 3x12
Pulldown Abs: 4x10x heavy
4 way Neck: 1x10xheavy
Cycle: Commute
Stretch/Floss: 15 mins