For most holidays, I will have one training session. I like to build "Community" with the trainees. You know, the people who train at 4:30 AM never get to see the folks who come in at 8:00, so it's good to put faces with the names on the board.
I get pretty creative (and downright diabolical) during these sessions, breaking normal protocol to just have a good time while making it fun for guilt-free eating later on.
So enjoy your day, train hard, eat plenty, and Happy Thanksgiving motherfuckers. (That's gender-neutral right there)
Today's Training:
Kettlebell Ladder: 1-25
Ab Wheel: 3x12
Rice Paddie Squat for the stretch: 2x30 seconds
Bird Dog: 2x10
Cat/Camel: 2x10
For the following, men are to use dumbells from 10-15 lbs and the ladies will be fine with 3-5 lbs. Once the weight is picked up, it never gets put down and is ALWAYS IN MOTION. No Rest!!!
Push-ups: 10x10
DB Lateral Raise: 3x100 Don't rest during the set. You keep the DBs moving regardless of the burn. You may have a short rest between the sets.
Now for the hard part. There is no rest at all. You move between the two exercises and the antagonist IS the rest.
DB Supine Tricep Extensions super set w/ DB Hammer Curl: 3x100. NO REST!!!