Whenever I get annoyed and ready to snap, I stop and think, "What am I being taught?" And the answer is always the same, I'm being taught how to be patient.
Boy oh boy, based on the frequency of my annoyance, I need to learn a whole lot more about tolerance.
Perseverance and endurance have helped me change my challenges into building blocks that molded who I am.
As we are now into the Holiday Season, learn how to adjust, adapt and overcome all the assholes that piss you off!
Let's go get 'em...
Today's Training:
GHR: 3x12; 1x12x 5lb plate held behind the head; 1x10x10lb plate; 1x8x15 lbs
Squat: No Box, Spotting rails, or straps in. Pause on the restraint for a brief moment while staying tight. Work up to a hard 8 reps. Once there, reduce the weight by 20% and do 10 reps. Do one more set with another 10% reduction in weight for 15 reps.
TKE or Leg Extensions: 4x8 with a hard contraction on each rep
Straight Leg Deadlifts: 4x8