"Walk like a king or walk like you don’t care who the king is.
By walking tall and exuding confidence, you establish yourself as a force to be reckoned with, irrespective of external circumstances."
Today's Training:
Run: FAST 3 miles. Not fast enough to score a 100 on the Marine Corps PFT, but it was as quick as it has been in a while
Cycle: Commute
Jackson Abs: 3x10. These are when you push a weight straight up to the ceiling with fully extended arms. Do them over a BOSU ball for added torture. I didn't use that much weight, but these were fully effective with a 45-lb bar and a pair of 10s on each side.
Weighted Sit-ups: 4x10. I used a cable for these while again extended over a BOSU ball
DB Row: Work up to eight hard reps. Don't just jack the weight. Stretch on the extension and squeeze into the ribs, ensuring the scapula retracts.
Single Arm Supinated Pulldown: 4x8. Again, reach up on the extension and squeeze, twist, and lean into the contraction.
Straight Arm Pushdown: 4x8
Barbell Shrugs: 3x12 with a three-count hold in the contraction
45-degree Back Extension: 3x15
Cycle: Commute