I have always made training a priority. I have made people wait, and missed meetings and events. I have pissed people off and ruffled more than my share of feathers with my need to train.
I've never missed a scheduled training session because of:
- "I don't feel good"
- Oversleeping
- Over tired
- "I don't feel like it"
- "I'm hurt"
- "I'm overtrained"
So I call it "Bullshit" whenever I hear someone give me these excuses. As far as I'm concerned, IF I accept an excuse, it's as bad as me giving one, and I live by the "NO EXCUSE" motto.
The only answers are "Yes", "No", and "No excuse".
So as the year is winding down, I'm noticing the "Holiday Drop Off". This is when the holidays supersede discipline (or should I say, Lack of discipline?) Hey, no one told you to imbibe THAT much at the Christmas party. No one told you to stay out so late that you can't wake up in time to hit the gym. Hell no! I suppose it just wasn't important enough for you.
Well, I'm here to tell you, "Tighten up, Buttercup", and cinch down your belt a bit more because THIS road is about to get bumpy!
No Excuse is good enough so you either get your training in and complete it or DIE trying!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
AirDyne: 7 mins legs only; 7 mins arms and legs; 7 mins arms only
5 sets of 10 reps of the following exercises in no particular order. You can even super set them or heck!!! Giant set them. Just get all five sets and 10 reps:
- Suspended Knees to Elbows
- Ab Wheel
- Reverse Hyper
- Bulgarian Split Squat
- Straight Leg Dead Lift
Cycle: Commute