The next time you're upset or blue remember these things:
- Pain is a part of growing
- Everything is temporary
- Complaining or worrying changes NOTHING
- Your scars are symbols of your strength. They show how you kicked life's ass
- Every struggle is a step forward
- Other people's bullshit is NOT your problem
- Eventually, everything that is meant to be will be.
- The most important thing for anyone to do is to NEVER QUIT!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 20 mins.
5x10 of the following exercises. Remember, it's not the weight it's the short interval of rest that we are looking for. Keeping the rest to 30 or 45 seconds will keep the heart rate elevated and THAT is what the purpose is.
- Bench Press
- Incline DB Press
- Push-ups
- Kettle Bell Supine Tricep Extension
- Dips
- Shrugs
Cycle: Commute