Keep disturbing them.
Today's Training:
Run: 3 miles. (FAST)
Concept II Row: 20 mins
Seated Reach for the Ceiling Stretch: 3x30 seconds. From the seated position, reach over your head and attempt to touch the ceiling above you by elongating your spine and extending your chest and ribs upward. My verbal cues are "Separate each rib and detach your pelvis from your lumbar spine". Keep your arms behind your head and keep the head neutral. Hold that position for 30 seconds. This is a lot harder than it sounds
Front support to front plank and back up to support: 3x10 Start with two hands on the floor in the push-up position. Put one elbow down at a time on the floor until you are in the front plank position. Then maneuver back up to the front support position by reversing the way you got down one arm at a time
Chest Supported Row: 3x33
Mini Band Pull-a-part: 3x33
Medium width Lat Pulldown: 3x33
Straight Arm Pulldown: 3x33
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x100 super set with seated Hammer Curls: 3x100 non-stop! YES! That's 600 total non-stop reps going back and forth.
Be determined NOT TO GIVE UP!