Every day, to keep things in check, I need to humble myself by doing something that is a bit uncomfortable. Although I live in California and it is never below zero, I take an ice-cold shower outside regardless of the temperature or forecast.
I also commute via a bicycle back and forth between my gym and my home regardless of the weather.
Today, I added much-needed stretching to my routine. I have always hated stretching, and I always felt that doing full-range exercise would eliminate the need for such an activity.
I was WRONG!
So now I added another thing to my "gotta do because it sucks" list.
By the way, doing something horrible in your opinion, disciplines the heck out of you.
Remember my saying, "Motivation gets you to the starting line, discipline gets you to the finish line".
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 10 mins steady pace; 10x15 second all-out interval followed by 45-second recovery stroke
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
Weighted Side Bend: 3x12
GHR: 5x12
Deadlift: Yes, Deadlift again only this time with a normal size bar instead of the fat bar. Today I wanted to show how much the grip takes off the max. STILL, it's a double overhand grip! Everyone's 3 rep max significantly increased and all egos were put back into place. haha
Reverse Hyper: 3x12
Cycle: Commute