Today's Training:
Run: Fartlek 3 miles. These are getting more fun every time I do them. Run when you are ready, slow down and jog a bit, walk if needed, and then when the urge hits, SPRINT! The average of all the different types of locomotion is roughly an 8:30 mile. Not bad...
GHR: 5x12
Dynamic Squat: 10x2x 55% (about that)
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1x 55%. HOWEVER, I wasn't in the mood for those as we had done max effort deadlifts twice last week. So I got the bright idea of trying "Suspended Good Mornings" dynamically. I was extremely conservative with the weight being used and hammered out 10x2 reps. I was most focused on the "snapping" of the hips.
- Get under the SSB Yoke Bar
- Plant the feet down hard
- Raise the hips and arch the back hard
- Get the bar light on the straps
- Accelerate the hip hinge making sure not to HYPEREXTEND!
I came up out of the rack after the set 7 out of the 10 times quite dizzy. So the jury is going to be out until I can tell if there are any benefits AND, the aftermath damage.
(But they were kind of FUN!)