Today's Training:

Yup, you guessed it.

Last night was a late night (for me) as a few friends had a get-together to celebrate Christmas and the Holidays. When that 9:00 PM hour strikes, I turn into a pumpkin. It just happens, my legs shrivel, my arms fall off, I turn a lush shade of orange, and then WHAM! My head hits the host's table and I start to snore. (Not really, but close).

Even though I stayed up way past bedtime, I'm on automatic pilot, and my sleep patterns remain the same. I get up at 2:00 AM, hit the head, check the weather, and then decide, to go back to bed or start the day.

Since it is a rainy day, and the sound of it on the roof makes for good deep sleep, my dogs were into major slumber, I chose...

Getting my ass up and going for the run. hahaha


Because, Motivation gets you to the starting line, and discipline gets you to the finish line.

I have never waited for the beginning of a new year, a new month, a new week, or even a new DAY.

If it's "GO" time, you get up and GO!

Today's Training:

Run: Fartlek 5.25 miles

Don't wait for the bug to bite ya. Be the bug that bites.

Oh, and this is my Christmas shirt!