For the past few evenings, I've had a hard time staying asleep. I'm not sure what's going on, but I never waste time, so I get up and start my day.
Today's start was 1:58 AM with the Fartlek 3 miler. Groggy? Yes, but still had a decent run. Breakfast and the bike commute were next and was feeling alert and alive. NO problem, or so I think. Hitting the steel and I was STILL running hot, so yes, it was a great workout. But!!! One half hour past that, and fatigue came on like a hurricane.
I am writing this post FIGHTING sleep.
Although I love my naps, I am trying to fight through it so that I don't have that same insomnia episode tonight.
Wish me luck! (Yawn)
Today's Training:
Run: Fartlek 3 miles. I'm beginning to enjoy these runs the more I do them.
Cycle: Commute
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 3x5x (2)Kettlebells stepping through the handles. This got interesting very quickly
Side Flex over the 45-degree back extension: 3x8x (1) kettlebell held on the floor side hand
DB Row: Work up to a heavy 10 reps. Then go apeshit and do one more set at the heaviest weight for 20 reps.
Fat Grip "V" bar Pulldowns: 4x8
DB Pullover: 3x12
Rack Pulls: 10x1. To be done kind of Dynamically.
Cycle: Commute