"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person." – Benjamin Franklin
Today's Training:
Row: Concept II for 20 minutes
- Ab Wheel: 3x10
- BOSU Sit-up: 3x10
- Shoulder Mobility: 2 exercises
- Hip Mobility: 2 exercises
Floor Press: 5 RM. Each rep will be held for a five-count isometric contraction at the top.
Isometric Floor Press: At three varied heights, press 135 lbs into a second set of "spotting bars". Press far greater than the 135 it takes to lift for a count of eight. Repeat this at two more and different heights none of which should be at lockout.
Seated OHP: 5x5 with a five-count isometric contraction at the top
Stretcher Push-ups: 3x40/superset with
Cable Rear Delt Raise: 3x20
Cable Crossover: 4x15/ superset with
Strict DB Lateral Raise: 4x15