Today's Training:
Run: 4 miles. Slow and steady
There is no cycle today. I left my reflective vest in the gym, and there is no way I will ride in the dark on without it. Even though I am lit up like the Starship Enterprise, the ability of a California driver is somewhere between "shit and suck". PLUS, I've been hit a few times and I'm not sure how many of my nine lives I have left.
Full Ab Wheel: From the standing position to the fully extended along the floor. 3x10
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x8x Kettlebells dangling from the feet
GHR: 3x12; 1x12x5; 1x10x10; 1x8x15
Suspended Good Mornings: 8 RM
Then reduce the weight by 10% and do 10 reps
Reduce the weight by another 10% and finish with 15 reps
Squat Isometrics: 3 different positions x 10-second holds.
DB Supine Tricep Extension super set w/ DB Hammer Curls: 3x100 non-stop reps