As I was pushing the Prowler this morning I woke the two monkeys that show up on your shoulders. You know the ones, one is a fun, wonderful monkey that cheers on your efforts, and the other one, the oftentimes LOUDER one is in a contestant debate with the good one, and is a freak'n evil little chimp that has a knack of having you believe any and all self-doubts.
As I'm shoving the heavy sled down the pavement at 0400 in what is cold for California the fellas showed up right on time. The EVIL one started his shit. "You don't have to really do this." "Do eight instead of the ten and push it harder, or not". "Do the TEN that you planned and chill on the sprints after".
All KINDS of "get out of jail" cards were on the block.
That's when it occurred to me that right now, in this moment is the answer to all of Life's Goals and Objectives. Sure they should be lofty, (the goals and objectives that is) and should make your heart palpitate a few times too fast, but if you are staring at the long term and all that you have to do, it can sometimes feel daunting as fuck.
BUT...if you put one foot in front of the other, then do it again, then again, you eventually finish the length of 40 yards OR in Life's case, a simple objective.
Do this enough times in a row and you finish the essential building blocks to your overall GOAL!
One sprint turns into two. Then it turns into three and the next thing you know, you're DONE! Complete.
Keep your eyes on the prize, but just take the next step toward it with a relentless focus on the here, the now, and the present.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Prowler: 10x40 yds x +90
Run: Sprints: 10x40 yds x 75%
Dynamic Squats: 10x2x50%
GHR: 4x10
Cycle: Commute