I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. We've added quite a bit of muscle and are continuing to work some technical things with my raw lifts. No comp dates set in stone but looking at a meet this spring and a show in the summer.
Life is in a bit of a holding pattern right now. Since January 1st, I've had more good days than bad. My head is in a better place, although sometimes I wish it was immersed in a half gallon of ice cream. Seriously though, and I've talked about it before, I've changed my brain. I have learned to let go of things out of my control and not worry or stress or question what's to come. Worrying does nothing but make you MORE stressed about something that you already don't have an immediate answer to. So then why worry about it? It doesn't mean you aren't working towards an answer or a change or whatever... but some days, you're just in a holding pattern.
Maybe you're waiting for a phone call about a job. Or maybe you're working on some projects to build your business. Or maybe you're worried about your finances or kid's schooling. Keep working towards the end, but don't lose sight of the present. When the ball returns to your court, take action. When it's not in your court, mind the present.
Being in a holding pattern can sometimes be one of the hardest things. Sure, I'm still training (myself and clients) and working to continue to build that aspect. I continue to write articles, do seminars and put out good information. But you know those "dreams"... those things far off that you're really working towards... the ball just isn't in my court... yet. Maybe something next week or next month will open a door. Maybe something will lead me to something else which will lead me to something else. In fact, I ran into someone randomly while traveling a couple months ago that led to a conversation, knowing some mutual people and now having the possibility of an opportunity.
It can be worked toward, but it can't be forced. All in due time.
Oooooh, that SSB is back. But I had a good day with it. Mentally felt great and was happy with the numbers. Hip felt good once warm and can definitely tell that right side is trying to work. I think when it gets pretty worked, it locks up a bit. About a few hours after training and it's tight and sore. Definitely gonna get it worked on.... good news? My left hip doesn't hurt anymore. 🙂
Overall a great day... even with some stressors outside of training. But thankful for friends who keep me sane. A few too many talk and text about poop and other inappropriate things. I guess that's when you know you have real friends. In the end, they are there when I need them.
Friday- Squats and Legs
A. SSB narrow stance squats - 6x6
(@165, 175, 175, 185, 185, 190)
B. Front squats paused 2-3 sec bottom 4x4
C1. Leg press wide 4x20 piston style
C2. Pulsed Bulgarians 4x15 no load
C3. Db Stiffeys 4x8
(that was a terrible tri-set)
D. Hamstring seated curls 4x12 drop set last set
E. Leg extensions 4x12 drop set last set
F. Abs 10mins
Yeah.... pullups and lots of them. But felt good and definitely by last set was smoked. Some size and thickness has definitely been put on, so we'll just keep it rollin'.
Saturday- Back
A. Pull-ups 2x10
B. Hammer strength single arm 6x6 heavy
C. Pull ups 2x10 different grip
D. Rope pulldowns to sternum 6x8 heavy
E. Pull ups 2x10 any grip
F. Rev incline db rear raises 4x20
G1. Double impact shrugs 2x20
G2. Pull ups 2xfail
Welp... it was a decent bench day. I had to use one of the crappy benches... hooks too high, bench was too squishy and too narrow. But despite all that, I took 165x4's and hit them pretty clean. So I'll take it. Then a ton of shoulder work. Did some fun and varied sets (secret.... mwahahaha). Lots of fun and lots of swole... what makes me smile these days 🙂
Monday- Bench and shoulders
A. Bench 4x4 @ RPE 7
B. Incline fly and press combos 3x varied
C. Machine laterals 4x12-15 drop set last set
D. Incline facing Ys, presses and Cubans 4xvaried
E. Hammer shoulder press 4x8-12 drop set last set
F. Push downs 4x20