Most of our Powerlifitng squad left today for th Battle of the Beasts in Nashville Tenn. We have 8 lifters competing and about 10 coming to coach/support. Am looking forward to seei teammate Joey Smith and any others elitefts.com teammates that will be there.
I hit on wed some incline bench press then some DB bench presses then some wide grip pull downs. I can say I am getting stronger. I am liking relating where I am at to how old I was when I first did the weight. I am lifting at about where i was when I was a sophomore in high school. Don'twant to state the actual weights as I am on a "no lifting heavy rule". Would like to know what the surgeon/dr def of heavy is as they mainly work with 60+ year old non lifters. Anyway blah blah.
My wife and I are leaving fri looking forward to the weekend.