I have figured it out! FINALLY! We all know how soft EVERYONE has gotten over the past 5 years. You can't say anything without being found offensive to someone.
I have had friends from YEARS ago that I could be as sarcastic as I normally am and even today I have to let them get warmed up before taking the offense in a conversation,
Chirping or shit talk? Oh HEEELLLLLL NAH!
BUT...If I know you more than say, 10 years, I do have a little more leeway with what I say and how I say it. But even with this...I need the person to "warm-up" for about 15 minutes before launching my sarcasm at them.
Perhaps it's because I am up two hours earlier than they are and I'm randy! Ready to GO and these folks just shook the cobwebs from their domes.
In order to smack talk knowing what I know now, the 15 minutes let them wake up rule is in place AND I better have a bit of history more so than just meeting the person and shaking hands. hahahaha
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Low Box Squat w. narrow stance:
3 rep max
SSB Yoke Bar
Bury last week's total
GHR: 3x8;1x20
Kneeling Abs: 4x12
Bike Commute: 30 mins
AirDyne II: 30 mins
Stretching Exercises