I have said, no one actually retires from sports, they get tired of recovering from the pain of the sport.
I heard it put this way as well. "Everyone has one more injury, but not everyone has one more recovery". Unfortunately as brilliant as that is, I can't remember which one of my friends said it so that I can cite it and give them credit for it's simplicity.
But, think about it, we ALL will endure one more injury, one more exhausted effort, one more chance to defy the aging process, BUT how many more RECOVERIES will we allow.
Getting knocked off my feet this past Friday isn't the "ONE" that I'm going to call it quits.
BUT...it surely wasn't my best foot forward.
I've gotten plenty of sleep, food, water, and restorative exercises in over the last three days so when Monday's 0300 came around, I was prepared and good to go!
So I sat back down after brushing my teeth and reflected. (No....not like I was meditating or any hocus pocus stuff) WAS I seriously prepared to go get it done?
Dynamic Squat: 8x2x52% of max
Then, after the sets were complete, add weight to establish a 2 REP MAX. BUT!!!! take only THREE heavy sets in total. For us, we were +405 with some little weights added onto the Mastodon Bar
4x6x25 pound vest
Reverse Hyper:
Suspended Knees to Elbow:
2x21 (21 you may ask? In the infamous words of Bluto from Animal House...."Why NOT?")
Prowler Sprints:
8x40x90 I have a 73 year old PhD from The Ohio State and Clemson...talk about who you want to win in the BCS... (retired) that totally wrecks the excuses anyone has. He sprinted all EIGHT without changing the weight. Didn't want to take the time!
Bike Commute