What a day!
How can you beat getting a COLD beer and a star from a worn out flag upon a morning greeting at 0500?
Then, the normal gym attendees limit themselves so I get to workout with a few of the fellas.
This on top of hosting not one, but TWO EliteFTS Teammates who are here to compete in a Powerlifting meet that predicts no fewer than a half doze World Records to fall.
I can't say enough about the quality of people that EliteFTS constantly attracts.
Christian Anto and Ben Pollock were in my gym MESMERIZING the other competitors AND MY participants with recommendations and coaching.
I often say that "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear". I watched Christian explain to a fella that has been with me for a few years the proper way to BRACE. Mind you this, I have told Sean many times HOW to do it properly, but NOT until today when Christian explained the same thing with HIS verbiage did, Sean have his "ah-HA" moment.
Over the years, EliteFTS has evolved. We've become more than "Meathead Central".
We've become literally a THINK TANK. A "Go To" resource for not only the neophyte, but the seasoned Coach as well.
I am confident and comfortable when a Team mate from EliteFTS lends a hand in my programs because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt, we will be teaching the same thing only with our own individual flair.
Clint Darden has on a few occasions shared his participants who happen to be in my area, with me. For what ever reasons they had, they needed a place to train and Clint had confidence that I wasn't going to fuck his people up.
Although NOT required to give feedback, I always sent Clint a note with some of the recommendations I had for the things that I had seen.
I too, accepted the recommendations of Christian and Ben without feeling anything but PRIDE in who we are, and what we've become.
Good job fellas! GREAT Job "El Jeffe" (David Tate) for your choices in personnel.
Good luck this weekend to all who are competing.
Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps (Today)
and thank you for your service to all the Veterans who gave so much with reckless abandon and feverish perversion.
Today's Training:
Bench: 5x10@175 (M) 65 (W)
Incline Bench: 5x10 @155 (M) 55 (W)
OHP: 10x5@125 (M) 50 (W)