1. Stay true to your own agenda. Follow your own way regardless of what others tell you.
2. You can’t do everything at the same time, so focus on those few things that matter to you the most, one thing at a time.
3. Blessed are the flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape. Go with the flow when you can.
4. The more you understand yourself, the more you’ll be able to understand the world around you. So figure that shit out.
5. Possessions can end up possessing you. You really only need ONE watch. When I break things, my wife reminds me that "it's only STUFF".
6. Trying to change past mistakes is futile. Best to learn from them, but fuck trying to change them. Can't be done
7. Health is your real wealth. I use to think strength first, speed second, body composition third. NOPE! Health!!! Without it, you won't get anywhere near the other stuff. Don't take it for granted.
8. Stop wishing and start working. You can hope, and want...to want, to want...it's a terrible thing to want. Go get it!
9. There are two kind of problems: those you can control, and those you can’t. Focus on the former.
10.Don’t believe what anyone tells you. Even those that say they do their own research, and misquote it or miss the reference, I then know they are full of shit. Including both sides of the aisle news. (I just follow the money)
11. No need for perfection at the beginning. Make a mess of stuff and then refine it later.
12. Don’t force change upon others. Lead by example. Some will, some won't, so what?
13 . Use your mind, don't let it use YOU!
14. Let go of the past, it's a cashed check Don't worry about the future. It's a promissory note. Want to make your God laugh? Tell him/her your plan. Make the most of the NOW that you do have. It's the only CASH you have!
15. Ever hear, "you are what you eat"? So eat like you are in competition. Food in my house is more about performance than it is flavor. (I just happen to kick ass as a chef
16. Don't use credit. Buy the stuff you NEED with money that you have! Save up. Sacrifice and discipline. Immediate gratification is for babies. #1 reason for relationship problems is CASH FLOW or lack of it.
17.Play as much as you can. I might be the oldest living kid. I love to have fun. You don't stop playing when you get old. You get old when you stop playing!
18. Learning never ends. Keep an open mind and be ready to alter your opinions when presented with better ones.
19. Happiness doesn’t mean not having any problems. It means having the skills to effectively deal with them.
Stop whining and start living. Rule #67 "No Complaining"
Today's Training:
Run: Easy 5K. Legs were shot from yesterday, so it was good to get blood flow to them
This is the transition phase so pay attention.
Bench: work up to the weight you did for the 30 reps last time, doing 5 reps per set as you escalate.
Once there you want a rep range of 8-15. This is important.
Now do two sets of 8-15 knowing if you get 15 reps go up in weight on the second set. If you get less than 8 reps, go down in the next set. Anywhere in between you stay put. Record the number for next time!!!
205x15...next bench day, we start at 205 for our first working set.
Incline DB Chest Press: 1x15x70; 1x15x75 next time starts at 80
OHP: 1x15x100; 1x15x110
DB Lateral Raise: 1x15x40; 1x15x45
Shrugs: 1x15x365; 1x15x405
Run: 13 minutes
Bike Commute: 27 minutes worth. I had to get all around town!