Every day you get 24 hours. That's IT! What you do in the next evolution will determine which direction you take in your life.
You have three choices:
- You can do nothing at all
- You can do the exact same thing you always do
- OR you can take steps in the direction you want to go.
Those who choose nothing usually end up in a tailspin or regression.
If you do the exact same thing you always do you'll end up with what you already have.
However, if you take the next step, no matter how uncomfortable it might be, then you will GROW into what you want to become.
Doing that third step is uncomfortable. It's like stretching. It hurts to stretch but it makes you feel good once you've completed it. Do it enough times and that discomfort begins to feel pretty darn good!!! (You masochist, haha)
Get up, embrace the suck and move to the new and improved YOU!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10-10-10 (Legs only-Arms and Legs-Arms only)
Cycle: Commute
Reverse Hyper: 3x10
OHP: 6 Reps Increase the weight until you reach a PRE of 7. Then do three more sets of 6 at the heaviest weight.
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10
DB Front Raise: 4x10
C/S "Y"s: 4x10
C/S "T"s: 4x10
Shrugs: 4x10
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
Cycle: Commute