I instituted the "Word of the Day" yesterday, and I don't know if it's a hit, but it entertains one of my training partners and me.

Today's slogan is "Three Steps to Attitude". Every morning at Zero-Dark-Dark, people will come into the gym dragging their pillows and sleep-deprived attitude. The pillow isn't so bad, but that attitude is best left in their bedroom.

Foul is a good word for many, so today I gave them three steps to change it. If they didn't, I sent them back to the door to try again. If it didn't change by the third time, then the onslaught of my rapid-fire verbiage would have descended upon them much like Gunnery Sgt. Hartman from "Full Metal Jacket"

Needless to say, (and lucky for everyone) no one breeched the "B.A." today. (I'm kind of pissed because I know how hard I make the others laugh when I get on a roll)

Get ready to rumble on the way INTO the gym. Be of good cheer, or justify ripping someone's head off.

Today's Training:

Run: 3-mile Fartlek

Cycle: Commute

Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12

BOSU Sit-up: 100

DB Row: 4x8

Single Arm Lat Pulldown: 4x8

Wide Bar Low Cable Row: 4x8

Incline Bench Straight Arm Cable Pullover: 4x12

EZ Curls: 3x8

DB Hammer Curl: 3x100. I had a participant pace off of me, so I did 300 straight to bury the guy. Now I'm paying for it. haha

Cycle: Commute