1. Do the work; don't be lazy
  2. Stop waiting around. The time is NOW!
  3. Rely on one person and one person only...YOURSELF! The universe doesn't give a fuck about you!
  4. Be practical. Success is NOT a theory
  5. Don't be a baby! Life is hard...So what...
  6. Get your shit done EARLY. Don't be "around" all freak'n day!
  7. Don't hang out with fucking idiots!!!
  8. Don't waste time on stuff that you have no control over.
  9. Stop your BULLSHITTING! It's fucking embarrassing.
  10. Stop trying to please everyone. That's simply sad.
  11. Stop putting toxic shit in your body. That's plain stupid.
  12. Stop hoping that shit will happen by doing the small stuff. You have to nut-up to make real changes!

Today's Training:

AirDyne: 10-10-10

Cycle: Commute

Dynamic Squat: 10x2

Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1

GHR: 4x10

Reverse Hyper: 4x10

Calf Raise: 100

Suspended Knees to Elbow: 2x20

4-way Neck: 1x20x4.0

Cycle: Commute