1. Every time you skip the work, you're choosing comfort now over success later.
  2. No one will come to save you. Your life is 100% your responsibility.
  3. Lazy people don’t rest; they waste time and call it self-care.
  4. In 5 years, you’ll either be proud of your discipline or regret your excuses.
  5. The world doesn’t reward effort; it rewards results. Lazy people don’t deliver.
  6. Someone out there is working harder than you. That’s the person who’ll take your dream job, position on the team, girlfriend, or boyfriend depending on who you are
  7. Your habits today shape your future. If laziness is your habit, failure will be your reality.
  8. Being lazy is a choice. Success is too. Which one will you pick?
    The harsh truth: If you’re lazy today, you’ll suffer tomorrow.

Choose better. Start now.

Today's Training:

Cycle: 30 mins

Side Flex using the 45-degree back extension: 3x10x KB

Jackson Abs: 3x10. Using a Smith Machine with your arms fully extended, sit up as high as you can with your feet up.

Floor Press: 5x5x+10 lbs more than last week

  1. Then with great caution escalate the weight for FOUR sets of singles (I don't use them often) increasing the weight each time
  2. Use a football bar
  3. Be Aggressive

Incline Cable Fly: 3x12

DB Lateral Raise: 3x12

OHP: 5x5

Cycle: 30 mins