Playing sports growing up I always had the next season coming up. I always had to prep for football, wrestling, lacrosse, or any of the inter-scholastic or inter-collegiate activities that are out there.
Never was there a day that didn't get the attention to the prep work necessary to excel at any given sport, so it makes sense to me that after the "playing days" are over, why not sign up for something as an adult?
I then trained for Triathlons using marathons, 10K runs, century bike rides, and open water swims to prep for them. Again, the prep work was done because the motivation of doing well was important to me.
Once those were out of the bloodstream, getting back to the roots of strength, it seemed logical to participate in Powerlifting.
Here's the kicker...I trained like I was going to win everything I signed up for. Did I? Oh HELL NO! But THAT never deterred me from training as if I wasn't going to be the next "World Champion".
If you feel like you're lacking the "MO" to train, sign up for something and then GET TO IT!
There are 10Ks, 1/2 marathons, Triathlons, X-C ski events, Biathlons, Swim meets, Powerlifting meets, Push-Pull competitions, Arm Wrestling, BJJ matches, HECK I think the Crossfit community is in the beginning woes of their "Open" workouts.
Pick something...ANYTHING and I will guarantee your training will take on a new sense of urgency!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10-10-10
Now to turbo clean the Casa de Selkow. I'm going to PR that shit!