I'm all for the science of training. I like discussing exercise physiology and naming points of origin and insertion of muscle.

I enjoy talking about the biomechanics of the techniques we use for various exercises, but there comes a time when we need to shut the fuck up and pick the weight up.

Between podcasts, social media, dick talks, and seminars, there comes a time when we have to put our broken blistered hands to a bar or our shoulders under it and either push it or pull it.

Talk all the "stuff" using fabulous words you want, but there is a point when we have to put some hustle to the muscle. I've hit some great PRs for me by making mistakes. I've gotten into decent shape by just outworking my excuses.

I had a coaching point the other day, with a guy I call "Maui".

He was telling me of some issues he was having and every single one of my answers was for him to "shut the fuck up and squat!"

  1. Have a bad day? Squat
  2. Have a good day! Squat
  3. Get a promotion at work? Bench
  4. Lose a job? Bench
  5. Find the love of your life? Deadlift
  6. Lose the love of your life? Deadlift
  7. Having a child? Run
  8. Having a child that isn't yours? Run
  9. Holiday? Train
  10. Tuesday? Train

See where I'm going?

Keep your fancy "ology" vocabulary to yourself, try harder not to be a nerd, and hoist some heavy motherfucking metal.

Backbone and not Wishbone.

Shut the fuck up and train.

Today's Training: Because we are only doing three sets and eight reps, the weight should be fairly heavy while maintaining perfect technique.

Cycle: 30 mins

DB Row: 3x8

Wide Lat Pulldown: 3x8

C/S Row: 3x8

DB Supine Tricep Ext super set w/ DB Hammer Curl: 3x100 + Fat Gripz (the Fat Gripz were hard)

Cycle: 30 mins