Today's Training:
Fartlek Run: 3 miles. "Fartlek" is basically translated into "Speed Play" This is where you Jog, then you run, then Sprint, and even slow down and walk to recover. Although a REAL runner would never walk. hahaha For me I sprint as FAR as I can until I bust a lung or pop my heart, then I slow to an 'Og which is the big man version of a jog. Then I throw in a few "shortie sorties" at 90% or so, and then I'll back off to a pace run. This version of three-mile run makes an otherwise boring run quick and fun.
Bike Commute: 29 mins. It was a FREAK'N cold one this morning. Granted it wasn't below zero cold, but I've been living in California for a few decades and when the thermometer drops to below 50 I think it's cold. This morning's temp out the front door was 31 degrees.
Crunch: 75 reps
Chest Supported Row: 12x12
Lat Pulldown: 12x12
Bicep Curl: 12x12
All exercises, sets, and reps should be done at a fast pace with minimal rest
Crunch (yes again) 75 more
Bike Commute: Still pretty freak'n cold out...29 mins