I've always had temperamental hamstrings. I have pulled them countless times and torn each one twice that probably should have been surgically re-attached. But I didn't so now I have some really cool-looking scars on the back of my wheels.
Today I was playing around with an alternative to the Good Morning: Weighted Back Extensions.
I took the 45-degree back extension and positioned it in the rack on the third spotting pin from the bottom. There, I placed the SSB Yoke bar on it. Then I shimmied under it and extended myself until my shoulders lined up with my hips, knees, and ankles. At that level, I placed another pair of spotting rails to stop the weight and then hold an isometric contraction.
This exercise takes the "Cowboy" right out of you. The weight that gets used is quite humbling compared to the massive chunks that can be chucked with a good technique Good Morning.
I was approaching my max 4 reps when I felt that old familiar "TWANG" in the semi-tendinosis.
I attempted one more rep and the feedback was enough for me to say..."Calling it"
I have done this so many times that I know the steps to take to get it back lickity-split.
So there's ice on it now for 10 minutes.
Oh well...Live an learn (well, maybe)
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10-10-10
Cycle: Commute
Reverse Hyper: 4x10x Heavy with a bit of a swing
GHR: 4x10
Good Mornings: 4 RM; once the weight is achieved do two additional sets of four at that weight
Ab Wheel: 4x10
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 4x10
Cycle: Commute