Today after the conditioning we hit all the major muscle groups in the upper body with TWO sets of an exercise to "failure".
The term failure is a hard one to comprehend when you're in the middle of the set. Two things to consider; the first is when it begins to "burn" doesn't mean failure, so you need to be mentally tuned in to realize that I don't start counting reps until it BEGINS to hurt.
Most can not do that. Most think pain means failure, but that is far from the truth.
The second thing to consider is the internal dialog you have.
I have a few people that consider themselves "tough" and for the most part, they are. BUT...when the rubber meets the road and that battle that goes on in the head the person usually listens to the one voice that says, "That's enough. It's ok to quit. Sure it hurts so you must be at failure"when you need to listen to the OTHER voice that tells the first one to "shut the fuck up and know your role".
Rule #67 had been breached numerous times today to say the least.
(that's ok, I still love you guys even when you are being bitches. hahaha)
We've come very far, but have so far to go!
Tighten up the seat belts, chin straps on and mouthpieces in...since we suck at these types of workouts, count on seeing more of them.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10/10/10 Then 15x10/50s sprints
Cycle: Commute
Two Sets to Failure of the following:
Lat Pulldown
DB Row
DB Lateral Raise
DB Chest Press
Preacher Curls
Tricep Pushdowns
If you get more than 15 reps in the first set, go up in weight for the second. If you get less than 8 reps in the first set, go down in weight for the second.