It is always tough getting a log posted before the end of my actual week because I have to guess at what my scale weight will do by Sunday morning. No, scale weight isn't the last word but it is still a tool I use to gauge progress and add another dimension of accurately assessing progress. I am typing this Friday night so even though I have a pretty good track record of experience predicting what will happen a couple days ahead, it is never completely 100%.
I will say that it is very unlikely at this point that I will drop below baseline for another week and right now I am about 1 pound above. That could drop or it could hold but either way, the week wasn't as good as the last 4 weeks have been. You might think it was because of the 2 day load - of which I loaded per usual just like any other weekend except that it was 2 full days - but it likely wasn't the 2 day Skipload but the fact that I did not use the SCGS compound as planned. In fact, I didn't use it at all. I kept it out of the equation on purpose at the last minute because I have experimented with leaving it out of Skiploads on occasion to see if it makes a difference or not and it damn sure did. You have to figure (as I did) that if I was going to load for 2 full days it would be better to keep it out for the first 2 day load and see if strength continued to progress along with fullness, the visual look, etc.. I am sooo glad I did because it was painfully obvious that the lack of the SCGS compound was a disaster in as much as the results were nowhere near what they were the last few weeks AND this was all with a full 2 day load so you would think that I may still have had comparable results but I did not.
Strength was down - though not much - but it hadn't been down in almost 4 weeks. For 4 weeks it was steadily and consistently improving week to week. Fullness was pretty good on Monday, the day after the completion of the 2 day load but faded very, very quickly as the week progressed. By Friday I was actually flatter than I have been on a Friday in quite a while. It was tough to even get veins popping while training and my strength was in the toilet relative to the last 4 weeks. I was also fatiguing and running out of gas quickly as sets progressed.
My look is hard to explain. I was certainly flatter - no question - yet my weight was not even at baseline but one pound up. I hate to even think this, let alone say it, but I think I MAY have even gained a small bit of fat this last week. Based on the above information, as much as I want that to be incorrect, seems the best and most honest answer. I didn't gain a lot but enough to notice and as much as I am glad that I left out the SCGS compound, I am done leaving it out. Every time I leave it out of the Skipload it ends up proving to consistently show that it wasn 't a good idea.
Now, I should load for 2 days this weekend and use the compound but I can't bring myself to load for 2 days because of the small fat gain from last week. I may still change my mind by tomorrow but I doubt it. I likely will stay with either a Sunday only load or POSSIBLY start it Saturday night but despite the option I choose, I will definitely use the SCGS compound and I have little doubt that next week will show clearly by the results in the gym and visually. It is absolutely night and day when I use it vs. when I do not.
Because of this experimenting the last few weeks I am in a big of a holding pattern with body fat loss. I am ok with this because I am learning some very important things right now but at the same time, I am getting restless or a little bored because I want to be dropping more body fat and instead I am growing (which is not a bad consolation). I just want to be leaner than I am right now and THEN some growing would be just fine. I anticipate changing things up in about another week and starting to drop more body fat for PROBABLY about a month. I feel that if I hit it hard for a month I will likely be where I want to be for body fat levels and then maintain them through the summer while I steadily grow by still staying lean as hell with cardio and diet but learning more about the SCGS compound and using that to help grow more while maintaining very low body fat.
I have something here. It might not seem that big of a deal but ... if you really think about it, growing while staying incredibly lean or possibly even getting leaner and leaner while growing at the same time while only on TRT dosing (scripted by my Doctor) could be quite a find. I have to do more experimenting but I can say that I am definitely on to something kinda big here.