20 Advantages of The Box Squat:
1. You can sit back more, allowing you to place emphasis on posterior chain.
2. It can gauge that you are squatting to the same height each time.
3. Allows the lifter to stop midpoint for technical corrections.
4. Allows for a static to dynamic contraction.
5. Most people can recover faster from box squats than other squats, so they can be trained more frequently.
6. It’s easier to teach and for a lifter to adapt to a different stance, albeit wide to close or close to wide.
7. Done properly, it could allow lifters with joint issues to still be able to squat but control range of motion or allow joint angles they can no longer do with free squats.
8. It allows the lifter to learn how to stay tight in the bottom position of the squat.
9. Is a great way to teach compensatory acceleration with the squat.
10. Easier to teach a straight concentric bar path.
11. Builds explosive strength.
12. For general population, there is no easier way I’ve found to teach the squat as well as a proper sit-to-stand for basic post rehab.
13. Can be used for lifters from complete beginner to the most advanced.
14. Great way to test different shin positions to see what will work best and/or what is the most comfortable for each lifter.
15. Can lower box height based on joint mobility and/or flexibility within the same set.
16. Along with #15, lower boxes can allow for ballistic stretching in the bottom of the squat position.
17. Allows coach to cue flex on command from bottom position without group feeling like their heads will pop off.
18. Breaking of the eccentric - concentric chain, allowing for more power development.
19. They have stood the test of time.
20. Because Louie says so...
These assume you are box squatting, not squatting to a box. They are also in no specific order, as I’m ripping these off the top of my head.
NOTE: It should be noted that in 2018 there might be 1000 geared Powerlifters. The box squat has been used for decades by athletes of almost every sport and not one of these athletes train in a triple ply canvas suit with 5m knee wraps. To say this only works for multiply lifters does nothing more than show the complete ignorance of the person making the statement. As with all movements there are good AND bad applications. Don't confuse this with personal bias.
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