Around the November to December time frame, some of the Goggins Force team decided together to do this meet because Perry Ellis, one of my lifters, said he wanted to do it. The meet was already about full. Richard Ficca decided to add another day, Friday. Cool. Goggins Force had eleven team members signed up. We actually knew nothing about the meet. I took the word of Perry Ellis and Cardell Oliver that it was a good meet to do. It wasn't until about a month before the meet we found out that the meet was outside, beach area. I take responsibility for that. The meet was outside, and it was beautiful! This was my first ever meet outside. I once did an exhibition deadlift at a festival on a flat bed semi trailer at Belton Lake near Ft. Hood Texas back during my military days. But this was a 3 day meet outside under a tent. It was fantastic. Very windy at times, but it did not seem to affect the lifting.
It wasn't until about a month before the meet we found out that the meet was outside, beach area. I take responsibility for that. The meet was outside and it was beautiful! This was my first ever meet outside. I once did an exhibition deadlift at a festival on a flat bed semi trailer at Belton Lake near Ft. Hood Texas back during my military days. But this was a 3-day meet outside, under a tent. It was fantastic. Very windy at times, but it did not seem to affect the lifting.
Six of us rode down together early Thursday morning. I made lasagna Wednesday night for Thursday night dinner after weigh-ins. We ate at a small restaurant immediately after weigh-ins, then went back to our rental house and chilled out. Well, most of the lifters chilled out while the rest of us went to the store. After we got back from the store, we heated up the lasagna and dug in. It was quite tasty if I do say so myself. 😉
Goggins Force team all lifted on Friday.
Tamika Fagan, at 132lbs who had planned on going single ply, lifted classic raw with my recommendation. I did not see what I needed to see in gear and was afraid she might not get a squat in, so we made the adjustment. It worked well. I was very happy with her performance going 6 for 9 with 209, 110, 303. We have a lot to work on going forward and I expect just that...lots of work.
Barbara Lee, classic raw at 148lbs, had an outstanding day going 7 for 9. 407, 231, and 446 for a 1082 total and setting American Records while doing so. She also won her super open class and took home 600 bucks.
Asye Jones, raw at 165lbs, went 9 for 9 with some very impressive numbers for her. 319, 209, 391. Big things coming from this very motivated lifter.
Angela Bivens, raw at 165lbs, went 7 for 9 with 336, 198, 424 coming back from a back injury suffered from a car accident in April of 2016. Her numbers are around where she left off before the accident. I expect a steady climb from here. I am extremely happy with her progress.
Ana Perez, raw in 198lb class, went 8 for 9 going 402, 209, 468 for some incredible PRs . She is on a tear to get to the top. I'm excited to see how far she can take it.
Nathan Walton, classic raw at 165 lbs on two-day notice, came in and went 7 for 9 with 578, 385, 661. Those are some huge numbers at that body weight. Nathan won super open class and 500 bucks.
Ezell Dawes, raw in the 198lb class, went 8 for 9 with 446, 341, and 518 making the best of a training cycle after he hurt his shoulder. He lifted what he had in him for that day. Smart lifting!
Myreon Dunn, classic raw in 198lb, went 6 for 9 with a 468, 325, 562. All PRs and not his best day he could have. He has a lot more in him. On a good day he is a 600 plus deadlifter.
Oakley Walraven, raw in the 220lb class, had a PR day also while going 9 for 9 with lifts of 573, 501, 606. He definitely had more in the tank.
Cardell Oliver, raw in the 220lb class, did not have his best day going 7 for 8 with lifts of 584, 413, 705. Cardell had surgery for sleep apnea in January that held him out of the gym for a couple of weeks. 1800 will fall once he gets a full training cycle in.
David Huckleby, raw in the 275lb class, came in with a bum knee and would have to settle for a little less in the squat. He went 8 for 8 with 518, 286, 556. David is getting stronger each training cycle.
Overall, I am extremely proud of each and every one of them. They all did a fantastic job! I would also like to thank Ali & John for coming and helping us. Looking forward to the next team competition.