Every year I write my annual fitness goals on the gym door. This year I set 5 goals for myself. Here's how we look so far.
Run A Sub 9:48 Mile
The goal a few years ago was a sub 8:00 mile. I got it, but I had to prioritize running above all else to get it. It burned me out.
Last year I had a lot of back and hip issues. I ditched the 8:00 goal for 10:00. I hobbled out a 9:48.
So my goal this year was just to beat last year's number. Mind you, I have not been running for over 12 weeks due to a back and adductor issue. It was a beautiful day and I was feeling good, I went for it and ended up with an untrained 9:02.
Doing the 9:02 tells me I am getting more fit through consistency. When I can't run, I ruck or get on the airdyne. If I can't do those I walk. No matter what I get at least three hours a week and it is making a difference.
Weigh Less Than 216
This falls in line with simply doing better than last year. 2022 was a little tough on my body. The goal, just weigh less than last year. Right now I am 198.5. Although I cannot officially check off that goal until the end of the year, I am feeling confident.
2 x BW Bench
This is the goal I am working on presently. I set up a 12-week conjugate plan to go for it the last week of the year. These strength goals are getting more difficult as I get older each year, but I'll keep pushing as long as I'm able.
2.5x BW Deadlift
Luckily I got this one out of the way earlier in the year. This is why sometimes even though you have not been purposely training for something, you should go for it when you feel good.
Back in February, I was feeling good one day while deadlifting. With my back history, tomorrow is promised to no one, so I went for it.
I couldn't tell you the exact numbers, but I have no reason to lie to myself. I think I weighed around 214 that day and ended up with the 535 I needed. Regardless of the exact numbers, I put it in on my calculator to be certain and nailed it.
Commit 1yr To 5/3/1 BBB
This one is a scratch. Finishing up 2022 I was focusing solely on the belt squat, bench press, and trap bar deadlift because I was able to train them without pain. In theory, it was a good plan.
However, when I started feeling better and using heavier weights the volume of 5/3/1 Boring But Big got to be too much for me. I couldn't recover.
I don't call this a failed goal because sticking it out would have done me more harm than good. I could have. I'm actually more proud of myself for not being stupid, as I might have stubbornly done in the past.
That's it, so far so good. Barring Jessica stuffing Ring Dings down my throat while I'm sleeping, yum, I should have no problem with the bodyweight goal. That leaves the 2x bw bench. Check out my blog post on 12/31/23 to read all about it.